3 and Under, Spelling for Different Ages

From A to Z: A Spelling Primer for Parents and Kids

By Zona B. Taylor

From A to Z: A Spelling Primer for Parents and Kids

September 2, 2023

Helping your little one learn to read and spell is one of the most important jobs as a parent or teacher. With so many different learning styles out there, what's the best way to set your active Alice or bookworm Ben up for success? In this spelling primer, we'll match fun teaching methods to your child's unique personality and interests.

For the busy body: Try movement-based games

If your child is always on the go, put that energy into spelling practice! Active games like spelling out words by hopping from letter to letter keep learning hands-on. You can also use sidewalk chalk to write out spelling words and have kids trace the letters with their feet. Colorful flashcards can inspire quick races to put the letters in order. Your energetic youngster will get all the wiggles out while prepping for reading and spelling success.


For the bookworm: Make stories into spelling lessons

Does your child love story time and reading books? Use their favorite tales to teach spelling! Write down favorite characters' names and uncommon words. You can have a story spelling bee by reading a page then asking them to spell one of the words. Over time, display these words on the wall so they can practice writing them too. Your little bookworm will pick up reading readiness through their beloved stories.

father toddler reading cloth book

Reading to little ones pays off in the little one's interest in reading.

magnetic ABCs for fridge

For the Visual

or Hands-On Learner: 

Get Crafty with Spelling

If your child is a Visual or Hands-On learner, get hands-on with crafts that reinforce spelling skills! Make or purchase letter magnets to display words on the fridge. Fingerpaint spelling words for a messy, memorable lesson.

Use clay to sculpt the letters of their name. Get stickers or stamp pads so they can create the words themselves. Your artistic kiddo will retain the words better when they make them.


The key is to observe your child's unique interests and strengths. Then you can tailor spelling practice to their learning style. With patience and a few fun tricks, you'll have your A-Z kid spelling like a pro!

Encouraging Young Readers through Read Aloud- Read Along Videos

As both an author and a mother, I understand the importance of reading with children. Reading aloud promotes literacy skills, expands vocabularies and imaginations, and strengthens the adult-child bond.

However, we all know that it's not always possible to sit down together with a physical book. That's why I'm excited to announce my new YouTube channel, Read Aloud with Nana, featuring read-along videos of stories for children. 

Itty bitty Kitty-front cover

Itty Bitty Kitty front cover

My first "Read Along with Nana" video features a book I wrote for my grandchildren, "Itty Bitty Kitty at Home." The video allows the child to follow along page-by-page as I read this rhyming story. Children can follow the words and pictures in their own copy or simply listen. 

Hearing and seeing the words helps them associate the written word to the sounds which are crucial for learning to read independently. Videos are also perfect for during car rides when mom or dad are busy driving, but the little ones can still journey together through stories!

In addition to literacy skills, read-aloud videos encourage the joy of reading. Allowing children to actively engage rather than passively watch entertains them while exposing them to new vocabulary, concepts, and more. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and stay tuned for more of new favorite picture books brought to life through read-along videos!

Reading opens infinite worlds; let’s explore them together.

You can order a copy of "itty Bitty Kitty at Home" here so your child can turn the pages along with the video.